Councils: Sorry to interrupt your party but I don’t want to be the Bait Dog anymore.
The Factions ego-driven quest for dominion.
If I was sent here to offer my assessment of the situation to the higher councils … here is my conclusion …
Consider two scenarios…
There is a fight in an arena. There are 2 adults who chose to plan, practice, and prepare for this fight. In exchange for the fight, they get money, power, and/or fame.
There is a fight in an arena. There are 2 dogs who did NOT choose to plan, practice, and prepare for this fight. Evil gave one of the dogs a clear and purposeful advantage; power, strength, knowledge, experience, aggressiveness, and training to fight to the death. Evil chooses the other dog, the Bait Dog, purposefully as well. The Bait dog’s spirit has been crushed by keeping him destabilized, dehumanized, demoralized and in a perpetual state of weakness, ignorance, confusion, fear, and trauma by his master.
FACTIONS- those who arranged the dog fightCOUNCILS - those who watch the dog fight and do nothing
DOGS - collateral damage
Wisdom encompasses the ability to apply one's knowledge, skills, and experiences to make moral and ethical decisions with integrity. It involves the ability to reflect on one’s accumulated knowledge, skills, and experiences to see the big picture and to understand the full consequences of one's actions or inactions. It is also a complete understanding of oneself and empathy to understand others with openness, desire, and capacity to acquire, incorporate, and adapt one's constructs when presented with new knowledge, skills, and experiences. Wisdom is a humbling lifelong journey of personal growth, self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-discovery. All individuals with power and authority must have wisdom. However, wisdom alone is not enough. Strength & courage are also needed to take action when wisdom deems it appropriate.
Evil and those watching Evil and doing nothing need to be immediately removed from the Councils. We can conclude from the results of their actions/inactions that some or all members of the Factions and Councils lack wisdom, strength, and courage. Their resulting actions/inactions are cruel, permissive, immoral, unethical, inexcusable, and criminal. The collateral damage does not have any idea what is happening, why, and by whom. Humanity has been methodically weakened by the wizards behind the curtains using an array of known and unknown weapons and employing sophisticated forms of propaganda and psychological operations to systematically crush the human spirit and keep humanity destabilized, dehumanized, demoralized and in a perpetual state of weakness, ignorance, confusion, fear, and trauma. The people above the Factions do know what is happening, why, and by whom because I speculate this isn’t the Factions' first go at world domination. The people above the Factions also have the power and it is their moral and ethical responsibility to take immediate action. You have now been made aware of the situation and any inaction on your part will indicate your willful participation in this immoral, unethical, and criminal behavior.
The “Prime Directive” Has Been Violated
Supposedly, the Prime Directive states no interference with the natural evolution of a society's cultural and social practices unless they are being threatened or imperiled by an outside force.
The competing Faction’s Overlords and Overseeing Councils have violated the Prime Directive. On the base level, the Factions have inserted and strategically positioned Puppet World Leaders and Governments to act as their agents in a multi-tiered strategic maneuver aimed at gaining or reclaiming authority and world dominance in this multi-level Chess game using propaganda, psychological operations, and manipulation of public opinion to shape perceptions and undermine our resolve. It is your moral and ethical responsibility to correct these grave transgressions and criminal behavior. Not only have some Council members watched and justified their inaction by claiming the Prime Directive, but it now seems painfully clear that some Council members have also willfully participated in and supported their Faction’s quest for dominion. The following is a partial list of the multifaceted, relentless operations occurring concurrently in the competing Faction’s Overlords' comprehensive offense across all aspects of humanity to fracture our species. Make no mistake, their actions were made with clear intent to reestablish control resulting in their desired world domination but in the process of their ego-driven quest, they created global chaos and catastrophic collateral damage.
Created “Natural” Disasters
Created External Conflicts and Wars
Created Internal Conflicts and Wars
Created Destruction of the Nuclear Family
Created Economic Inequality
Created Economic Collapse
Created Epidemics and Disease and Healthcare Polarization
Created Genetically Engineered People and Food
Created Cultural Erosion
Created a Perception of Lack of Basic Necessities
Created Political Polarization
Created Political Instability
Created Technological Disruption
Created Dependency using Power Companies
Created Water Contamination, Control, and Dependency
Created Air Contamination
Created Control and Dependency using Food & Agriculture
Created Toxic Consumer Products
Created Trauma Based Mind Control
Created & Encouraged Globalization
Created Controlled Media
Created Cultural Warfare
Created Class Warfare
Created Gender Warfare
Created Race Warfare
Created Alienation and Loss of Identity
Created Distrust/Disdain for Authority
Created a New History
Created and Inserted Infiltrators to Destabilize, Demoralize, and Dehumanize Populations
Created and Inserted Conflict and Disruption in the Educational System
This is only a partial list of that which has been done to fracture, destabilize, dehumanize, and demoralize humanity. I often wonder the extent of this unethical, immoral, and criminal conduct, pondering how high it reaches. I also wonder whether such actions are being carried out elsewhere and whether there is a historical record of similar behaviors occurring in the past or has your history has also been erased and rewritten. It might be prudent for you to raise these questions as well.
Censured, Punished, Humiliated, Incarcerated, Framed and Murdered
If the Councils et al. true intentions were to allow humanity to choose its own natural path of cultural, social, and spiritual development they would not passively witness humanity continually being guided towards trauma with repeated crises’ thus keeping us in a perpetual state of fear and preoccupied with basic survival instead of their ongoing schemes for dominion. If the Councils truly sought to enable humanity to chart its own course they would not permit direct interference with psychological conditioning, biological tampering, cultural grooming, educational prepping, and public declarations of the Faction’s objectives trying to convince us that their reign is inevitable and resistance is futile. Nor would they allow interference with such meticulous care by systematically inserting division, polarization, fear, trauma, disinformation, and misinformation into every facet of our societies. Furthermore, they would not allow the appointed puppet world leaders and government agents to censure, punish, humiliate, incarcerate, frame, and murder those who have exposed and continue to expose their propaganda.
Focus Here Not There
We can safely conclude, based on results, the "Prime Directive" was just another misdirection and does not exist, or that criminal conduct and corruption extend so high up the Council hierarchy that resolving this long-standing issue would require extraordinary intervention. They distracted us by systematically inserting and creating division and polarization in every facet of humanity; environment, healthcare, politics, poverty, race, debt, guns, education, economy, courts, religion, identity, history, globalization, technology, laws, class, culture, age, gender, customs, traditions, conflicts, wars, epidemics, disease, medicines, resources, food, air, water… Their modus operandi was to distract, polarize, divide, and then conquer groups of people/communities forcing submission to the elitist world leader puppets doing their bidding.
Was the Prime Directive just another falsehood to keep us complacent and chasing an unattainable carrot? The Prime Directive has allowed the competing Faction’s Overlords to continue their war of their worlds unchecked; the Overseeing Councils to continue looking the other way without a guilty conscious; and the dogs to keep focusing on trying just a little bit harder, for just a little bit longer, to reach that dangling carrot.
Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe
Based on the results I can identify two fundamental flaws in your Council system. Clearly, it necessitates a comprehensive reevaluation. If the majority within the councils lack wisdom, strength, and courage, or if the most vocal faction in the council is characterized by narcissism and megalomania, the system is destined to fail. Certainly, at your level of intelligence and experience, and access to sophisticated technology, you should already recognize this and be working on a viable solution. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe would have better odds at making competent ethical decisions.
Uncertain about where to start?
Allow me to offer some guidance. Your initial step should involve the removal of the Faction and Council members lacking moral and ethical principles at all lower levels beneath your authority. Please refer to Addendum A for additional steps on initiating the rectification of this ego-driven quest for power and control. Addendum B provides insights on distinguishing Council members with integrity from those displaying megalomaniac tendencies, while Addendum C outlines the process of reinstating and reestablishing balance with the first and immediate need being Trauma Healing for all of humanity.
The End Justifies the Means
The Factions are unwavering in their commitment to achieving their goals through any available means, irrespective of the toll in innocent lives lost, the extent of extreme pain and suffering inflicted, or the lasting harm and trauma intentionally created by fracturing our children and our planet. The Factions are very clearly supporting and encouraging their compliant and strategically placed puppet world leaders who carry out their orders without hesitation while the Councils watch. The resulting collateral damage would be incomprehensible if I wasn’t one of the dogs in this fight. This blatant interference by the competing Faction’s Overlords and lack of wisdom, strength, and courage within the Overseeing Councils have violated all moral and ethical laws of the universe and the onus is on you to rectify this situation by promptly removing those who perpetrate evil and those who choose to witness evil without taking action and then reestablishing balance.
Wisdom Strength & Courage
Only those next to and above the overseeing Councils have access to the intelligence, resources, and power needed to defeat those seeking ego-driven dominion and complete destruction of humanity. If a 2-year-old child is being raped, it is not the child that needs to save him or herself it is the other adults in the room that need to take action. You are the other adults in the room. I am one of the dogs in this fight. There is a clear and present power imbalance between us dogs and the overlords puppeting their downline. Who is really in control has been intentionally hidden from us. The consuls, however, do have the wisdom. Do you lack strength and courage?
Who Cares?
Nothing is beyond the reach of those who care. I hope this has reached someone who cares. This battle can be won by those who are courageous, resolute, unwavering, and prepared to make sacrifices to ensure that those who threaten humanity face exposure and justice. A natural human being has tendencies towards positivity and growth. Natural humans were born with pure hearts and with pure intentions. Their behavior and thought patterns are a direct result of past experiences, their current environment, and their perception of the future which is currently being intentionally fractured, controlled and manipulated for an ego-driven outcome, via a calculated agenda, without regard to the catastrophic collateral damage being left in the wake.
I am open to the possibility that I am wrong. I am acutely aware that despite my daily efforts to seek truth, I do not have access to nor possess all the information or intel I desire. I welcome enlightenment. As of now, I find myself unimpressed by the immediate overseeing Councils. However, I am eager to learn from the Councils above them who exemplify wisdom, strength, and courage beyond my current comprehension, with the option to remember and permission to share all knowledge with those with greater awareness and/or the desire to learn.
I forgive you. Now let's fix this together.
Excellent Summary:
Update: Just found this video - I like his examples…